Functions of the Scientific Animal Protection section

As the competent authority under Directive 2010/63/EU, we are committed to ensuring that the care and use of animals for scientific purposes is in line with the 3R principles (replacement, reduction and refinement).

We are an independent government agency. We are not responsible for national policy decisions in respect of animals being used for scientific purposes nor do we have any role in making or amending legislation.

In respect of scientific animal protection, our primary functions are:

  1. The authorisation of establishments where animals are kept, bred or used for scientific purposes.
  1. The authorisation of projects and individuals. For further information please see the authorisations section.
  1. Ensuring compliance with the requirements of Directive 2010/63/EU and the 3R principles (replacement, refinement and reduction) by carrying out regular inspections. For further information please see the monitoring section. 
  1. Monitoring the adequacy of record keeping at establishments in line with the requirements of the Directive, and reporting on specified statistical parameters to the European Commission.
  1. Investigating and following up in respect of any issues of concern discovered during the course of inspection, or otherwise brought to our attention. Where necessary, depending on the seriousness of the situation, we may suspend or revoke relevant authorisations or possibly instigate prosecutions.
  1. Liaising with the competent authorities under Directive 2010/63/EU from other EU Member States regarding the sharing of information and best practices relating to the 3Rs.