Re-use of public sector information
The HPRA complies with the European Union (Open Data and Re-use of Public Sector Information) Regulations, 2021 and we encourage the re-use of the information that we produce.
Making an application
Re-use of information on the HPRA website or held by the HPRA is only permitted following an application to HPRA for re-use. This can be made to
In making an application, the information that is sought to be re-used should be identified and the proposed use of the information indicated.
Following an application for re-use, information may generally be re-used free of charge subject to the latest PSI licence, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Information on the licence is available on the page on re-use of public sector information. In some circumstances, an application may be refused.
Acknowledging the information source
Under the CC-BY licence, the source of the information must be acknowledged. The users of HPRA information must acknowledge the source of the Information by including the following attribution statement:
- 'Information provided courtesy of the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence'.
If using Information from several Information providers and multiple attributions are not practical for the product or application, users must use the following attribution statement:
- 'Contains Irish Public Sector Information licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence'
Third party data
Permission to reproduce information from this website does not extend to any material on this site which may be the property of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.
Re-use includes copying, issuing copies to the public, publishing, broadcasting and translating into other languages. It also covers non-commercial research and study.
Conditions for re-use
Re-use is subject to the following conditions. You must:
- acknowledge the source and HPRA copyright in cases where you supply the information to others
- reproduce the information accurately
- not use the information in a misleading way
- not use the information for the principal purpose of advertising or promoting a particular product or service
- not use the information for or in support of illegal, immoral, fraudulent, or dishonest purposes
- not to use the information in a manner detrimental to public health
Please note that in addition to the above conditions, the advertisement of prescription medicinal products is prohibited under Statutory Instrument 541 of 2007 - Medicinal Products (Control of Advertising) Regulations 2007.
The HPRA its servants or agents assume no responsibility for and give no guarantees, undertakings or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or up-to-date nature of the information provided on the HPRA web site at this time and do not accept any liability whatsoever arising from any errors or omissions. The HPRA does not authorise any user to have exclusive rights to re-use of its information.
Types of data
Information on the types of records that HPRA holds is available on our FOI publication scheme page.
Downloading, republishing, retransmitting, reproducing or otherwise using images from this website (which are licenced material) as stand-alone files is prohibited.
Data provided for re-use in pdf or xml format may be subject to change (format and data structure changes). The HPRA monitors web traffic to and excessive usage may result in access to being blocked to specific IP addresses. Real-time continuous lookup of xml or other data on is not permitted under this licence.
Appeals process
Decisions of the HPRA under the European Union (Open Data and Re-use of Public Sector Information) Regulations, 2021 can be appealed to the Office of the Information Commissioner in the manner and for the reasons set out in the regulations.