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Guide to Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Registration Scheme
of traditional-use registration
for relevant herbal medicines. It aims to provide information and guidance, and
must have been on the market for a ‘period of traditional use’.
Some herbal medicines may, Guide to Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Registration Scheme,
17 October, and is for guidance purposes only.
Guide to
Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products
Registration Scheme
HPRA Guide to Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Registration Scheme
AUT-G0029-4 2/13
Information for Retailers - THMPs
My HPRA Logout Information for Retailers - THMPs Herbal products that contain active substances in sufficient amounts to have a medicinal effect are medicinal products. Herbal, medicinal products. The marketing of medicinal products in Ireland is regulated by the HPRA. A herbal, authorisation or, in the case of a traditional herbal medicinal product (THMP), a certificate of traditional, of all currently authorised medicines for which a marketing authorisation has been granted can
Information for the Public THMPs
, including herbal medicines. Like all medicines, THMPs can cause side effects, although, as herbal medicinal products. Even though they are natural, a number of these products may be dangerous, herbal medicinal product (THMP) must: be intended and designed for use without the intervention, , including herbal medicinal products, normally need a marketing authorisation to be placed on the EU, to facilitate the marketing of THMPs in the EU. The Herbal Directive ensures that THMPs purchased