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Title File Type File Size Published Date  
Guide to Ethics Committee Assessment of Project Applications under Scientific Animal Protection Legislation .pdf 516 KB 14/02/2019 View more information
Guide to Withdrawal of Breeder/Supplier/User Authorisations under Scientific Animal Protection Legislation .pdf 219 KB 05/02/2019 View more information
Guide to Implementation of Packaging Changes to Authorised Veterinary Medicinal Products .pdf 251 KB 14/11/2018 View more information
Guide to Decentralised and Mutual Recognition Procedures for Veterinary Medicinal Products .pdf 594 KB 18/10/2018 View more information
Guide to Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Registration Scheme .pdf 264 KB 16/10/2018 View more information
Medicines shortages framework .pdf 338 KB 14/09/2018 View more information
Guide to Transfers of Veterinary Marketing Authorisations and Applications .pdf 271 KB 12/04/2018 View more information
Guide to Notified Bodies Designation Process .pdf 293 KB 20/11/2017 View more information
Guide to Electronic Submissions - Medical Devices .pdf 235 KB 20/11/2017 View more information
Guide to scientific and regulatory advice for GXP activities .pdf 218 KB 06/10/2017 View more information
Guidance Note on the Sale of Paracetamol-containing Medicinal Products by Non-pharmacy Retailers .pdf 184 KB 27/07/2017 View more information
Guide to Placing Medical Device Standalone Software on the Market .pdf 460 KB 21/06/2017 View more information
Guide to Electronic Submissions - Human Medicines .pdf 189 KB 15/07/2016 View more information
Guide to Information held by the HPRA .pdf 229 KB 14/07/2016 View more information
Guide to Invented Names of Human Medicines .pdf 207 KB 07/12/2015 View more information
Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice of Cosmetic Products .pdf 265 KB 27/08/2015 View more information
Guide to Parallel Trade - Veterinary Medicines .pdf 358 KB 24/03/2015 View more information
Guide to Display of Chemical Group Symbols on Product Literature of Sheep Anthelmintics .pdf 67 KB 19/01/2015 View more information
Guide to Registration of Homeopathic Veterinary Medicinal Products .pdf 421 KB 11/11/2014 View more information
Guide to Registration of Homeopathic Medicinal Products .pdf 390 KB 11/11/2014 View more information