W11054 Columbia Blood Agar 90m Double Wrap - lot 0034509324, W11305 Columbia Blood Agar + Neomycin - lot 0115510360, W11340 Streptococcus Medium - lot 0704570133, W11050 Columbia Blood Agar - lots 0035511425 & 0034572725. Priority 2 – Warning

Notice type: Warning

Date: 24/08/2016


Product name or type:
W11054 Columbia Blood Agar 90m Double Wrap - lot 0034509324, W11305 Columbia Blood Agar + Neomycin - lot 0115510360, W11340 Streptococcus Medium - lot 0704570133, W11050 Columbia Blood Agar - lots 0035511425 & 0034572725.


Further Information:
Please click here to view the updated Safety Notice

Please click here to view the Fannin field safety notice

Please click here to view the updated Fannin field safety notice

Please click here to view the ThermoFisher Scientific field safety notice

Please click here to view the updated ThermoFisher Scientific field safety notice

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