The HPRA advises that:
All product in your possession should be checked using the details above to assess whether the product is genuine or counterfeit.
• If from your assessment you determine or suspect that you have product that is counterfeit, quarantine the product to ensure it will not be used and contact your local EES representative, JOhnson Ireland, who will be able to confirm if the product is authentic.
• If you identify that you have product that is counterfeit you should return any such affected product in your possession to
Johnson & Johnson Ireland, and inform the HPRA.
Further Information:
All adverse incidents relating to a medical device should be reported to the:
Health Products Regulatory Authority
Kevin O’Malley House
Earlsfort Centre
Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
Telephone: +353-1-6764971
Fax: +353-1-6344033
Enquiries should be addressed to:
Local EES Distributor:
Johnson & Johnson Medical (Ireland)
Airton Road
Dublin 24
Phone: 01-4665 200
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