• Medicines
  • Generics

The HPRA advises healthcare professionals not to retain printed versions of Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) documents. As these documents are subject to frequent content updates, including changes to safety and dose related information, we recommend that you visit our website as necessary to access the most up-to-date versions. If you have any queries about specific SPCs on our website then please e-mail info@hpra.ie

Please note that the product information provided on our website www.hpra.ie reflects a copy of the Summary of Product Characteristics and package information leaflet for a medicine, which outline the conditions under which the medicine should be used and information on its known safety.

As this information may be updated several times within its shelf life, there could be differences between the version of the information shown here and other information in the public domain. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, it is not possible to guarantee that it is complete, accurate and up-to-date. If errors are brought to our attention, we will investigate them immediately. The product lists are made available for information purposes only.

If a patient or has any questions about a medicine they are taking they should contact their doctor or pharmacist. Patients should not stop taking any prescribed medicines without first speaking to a healthcare professional. Suspected adverse reactions to a medicine can be reported to us via our online report forms. You can also access a print version of the report form.


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Latest list of General Sales Product Information
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Latest list of pharmacy only medicinal products
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Latest list of pharmacy only medicinal products not subject to medical prescription
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