POSTPONED: Taking Care of Business 2020

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been postponed. It will no longer take place on 25 March 2020. 

The HPRA will take part in Taking Care of Business 2020, an event organized to provide advice and information to people who own a small business or people who are thinking of starting a new business.

It is organized by the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation in conjunction with the Health and Safety Authority and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. Representatives from a range of State offices and agencies will be at the event. 

The HPRA will have a stand at the event to provide innovators and small business owners with information about areas regulated by the HPRA, including medicines, medical devices and cosmetics. 

Additionally, Laurence O’Dwyer, Scientific Affairs Manager at the HPRA, will give a short presentation. He will talk about the HPRA Innovation Office, which provides regulatory support and advice to individuals, academics, small and medium enterprises, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, and other groups who are developing innovative health products or technologies.

Download the event programme to see the full list of organizations represented on the day. Attendance is free of charge and you can register online

More information about the HPRA Innovation Office is available on our website. 

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