PRAC recommends strengthening the restrictions on the use of Valproate in women and girls.

Notice type: 3rd Party Publications

Date: 10/10/2014


Product name or type:
Valproate - containing medicines

Problem Or Issue:

Women to be better informed of the risks of valproate use during pregnancy.

The EMA’s Pharmacovigilance and Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) has completed its review and recommended strengthening the restrictions on the use of valproate-containing  medicines due to the risk of malformations and developmental problems in children exposed to valproate in the womb. The HPRA actively participated in this review and is in agreement with the outcome and recommendations.

The PRAC recommendation will now be considered by the Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures - Human (CMDh) and the HPRA will be contacting Healthcare Professionals in due course.

Background Information Or Related Documents:
PRAC recommendation for  Valproate and related substances can be seen here

PRAC Assessment Report can be seen here

Further Information:
For full EMA statement please see here

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