Patient level recall of one batch of Detreomycyna 1% (Exempt Medicinal Product)

Notice type: Recall

Date: 26/05/2023

We wish to advise you that batch number 230101, expiry date 31/12/2025, of Detreomycyna 1% is being recalled with immediate effect.

This recall is going to patient level. 

The reason for the recall is the product was supplied to pharmacies as an eye ointment, however the product is for topical application only.

Uniphar has supplied this product as an Exempt Medicinal Product (EMP).

Download a copy of the Detreomycyna 1% recall letter.

Product name or type:
Detreomycyna 1%

Manufacturer Or Supplier:
Uniphar Group

Recall Classification:
Patient level recall

Actions To Be Taken:
Pharmacists are requested to please carry out the following actions:

1. Please immediately identify and quarantine any units of this batch within your pharmacy. For hospital pharmacies, this includes units at wards, clinics and any other relevant locations within the hospital.

2. Please check your dispensing records and identify any patients to whom the batch has been dispensed.

3. Please contact each patient by phone and advise them to stop using the product and to return the product to your pharmacy at the earliest opportunity. Patients should be advised to contact their prescriber to obtain a prescription for an alternative product.

4. Please also identify all prescribers and send them a copy of the recall letter.

5. If you have supplied packs of this batch to any other pharmacy, clinic or other such establishment, please forward a copy of the recall letter to them, and request they quarantine and return all units to your pharmacy.

6. Please return quarantined stock to Uniphar by 15th Jun 2023, where full credit will be issued.

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