To mark World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2019, the HPRA wishes to highlight the below statement from the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) committing its support to the fight against antimicrobial resistance:
The statement emphasises the:
- need for cross-sectoral, global cooperation to fight the spread of antimicrobial resistance;
- role of medicines regulators in efficiently bringing to the market safe, effective and high-quality products that can help combat antimicrobial resistance, as well as ensuring that no undue regulatory barriers prevent access to critical antimicrobials;
- responsibilities of various stakeholders to increase investment in research and development, incentivise innovation, improve prescribing principles for antibiotics and ensure adequate media coverage to maintain public awareness.
The HPRA is a member of ICMRA which acts as a forum to support international cooperation among medicines regulatory authorities. Further details on the role and strategic initiatives of ICMRA can be found on