Report on sales of veterinary antibiotics in Ireland during 2019

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This report presents the data collected by the HPRA during 2019, on the sales of veterinary antibiotics that are marketed in Ireland. This work is conducted in conjunction with the European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption (ESVAC) project, a European Commission initiative coordinated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and with the assistance of the companies involved. The data are based on the voluntary declarations by marketing authorisation holders on the supply of their products. The HPRA, as competent authority for the authorisation and monitoring of veterinary medicinal products in Ireland, has been collecting these data since 2009.

The sales data provided in this report should be interpreted with caution; annual sales figures have been observed to fluctuate and slight annual variations are regarded as normal due to changing disease incidence. It should be noted that changes in animal demographics from one year to the next, will also influence the demand for antibiotics.

Further information on the sales of veterinary antibiotics marketed in Ireland can be found in the antibiotic resistance section of our website.

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