Darren Scully

“The experiences to date in my career, from a broad range of different positions, have been essential to being able to develop as round a perspective as possible, particularly when it comes to problem solving and engaging with patients, governmental agencies, healthcare professionals and other national and international industry stakeholders. I am lucky to be working in an organisation where I have the potential to have a positive impact on patients’ health.”

Darren Scully new diagram

Darren Scully 

Senior Assessor - Shortages

Darren has Bachelor Degrees in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, a Master’s degree in Pharmacy, a PhD in Pharmacology and most recently a Diploma in Regulatory Management.

Darren joined the HPRA in 2012 initially as a Cosmetic Products Manager having previously worked in academia, the pharmaceutical industry and community pharmacy. In this role Darren was responsible for the management and development of the HPRA’s role of competent authority for cosmetics in Ireland.

The following year Darren moved on to a role as an inspector in the Health Products Distribution (HPD) section of the Compliance department. His tasks varied from the evaluation of compliance of sites inspected to the provision of pharmacological and toxicological support for the analysis of both medicinal and cosmetic products.

Darren progressed to the role of the HPD Inspections Coordinator in 2014, where he managed a team of inspectors and scientific officers with responsibility for a wide range of different areas including medicines distribution, precursor chemicals, controlled drugs and active substance distributors.

In 2016, Darren held a senior management position within the Compliance department where he was responsible for the Health Products Distribution section.

2017 - Darren’s future ambitions involve a project to support the HPRA’s role in the management of medicine shortages and to develop initiatives to create an environment to reduce their likelihood.