

Our New Brand Identity

The HPRA’s brand identity reflects what we stand for – protecting and enhancing public and animal health. It has been developed following careful consideration to help us communicate in a consistent and clear manner with all our stakeholders.

The identity consists of a number of core elements that come together to create a strong, credible and unique brand for the HPRA.

Our logo, consisting of the acronym HPRA and the ‘molecule’ symbol, has been crafted to reflect the foundation on which our brand identity system is built. The letters HPRA use a strong, balanced and modern font which projects a sense of authority and clarity. The ‘molecule’ design reflects the evidence and science that support all our actions and decisions.

The connected circular molecule also stands for the way we work collaboratively with stakeholders including healthcare professionals, the research community and our colleagues in other health and regulatory agencies in Ireland and abroad. It stands too for the wider community, the public and patients who are at the heart of what we do.

The colour palette combines the strong graphite colour of the letters with a blend of blues and greens. Blue signifies health, trust and authority while green symbolises safety, natural and national.

Finally, our corporate fonts have been chosen for their clarity and legibility.

Printed Communications

Communicating in a consistent and clear manner with all our partners and stakeholders is integral to our new brand. The use our logo with consistent document designs and elements such as colour and pattern helps us to achieve this. The use of white space along with crisp, clean layouts also helps us to.communicate clarity and accessibility.

HPRA Leaflets Image
HPRA Stationery Image