Vaginal Mesh Implants

Updated 16 September 2020


Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI) are common conditions that can have a negative impact on a person’s quality of life. A surgical mesh is a medical device made from a synthetic (absorbable, partially absorbable or non-absorbable) material that is used to support weakened tissues. In urology / urogynaecology procedures they are permanently implanted with the aim to repair POP or to support the urethra or bladder neck in case of SUI. These devices may be supplied in a variety of forms depending on their intended purpose.

User Reporting 

The HPRA continues to encourage reporting of adverse incidents relating to these devices both from patients who have experienced complications with these devices and from healthcare practitioners who have used these devices.

The HPRA, in conjunction with the HSE National Women and Infants Health Programme, have developed a Guide for Healthcare Professional Reporting of Vaginal Mesh Implant Adverse Incidents.

Reports can be made online through our user reporting system.

For patient reports, if you have any reservations or if you are uncertain about completing the online report form, you can contact the medical devices team at HPRA directly between 09:00 and 13:00 Monday to Friday by calling 01 6343453. Your call will be directed to a member of the medical devices vigilance team. The user report can also be submitted to the HPRA by post. Further information on reporting is available in the HPRA step-by-step guide on when to report a medical device adverse incident.

European Review

At European level, the safety of surgical meshes used in urogynecological surgery was reviewed by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR). 

The SCENIHR summary outlines that ‘clinical outcome following mesh implantation is influenced by material properties, product design, overall mesh size, route of implantation, patient characteristics, associated procedures (e.g. hysterectomy) and the surgeon’s experience’.

Link to Full report here

The SCENIHR also published an ‘easy to read science fact sheet’ relating to this topic. 

Other Information

The HSE has further information regarding vaginal mesh implants, along with contact points for anyone experiencing problems with vaginal mesh implants.

The Chief Medical Officer published a report for the Minister for Health concerning the use of vaginal mesh in Ireland.

The HPRA notes the recommendations from the Chief Medical Officer (24 July 2018) that a pause be put in place on the use of procedures involving synthetic mesh for treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The regulatory status of synthetic mesh implants remains unchanged and they continue to be CE marked as medical devices. The HPRA does not issue CE marks or approve medical devices for market. However, we are conducting a review of the regulatory aspects of these products as a matter of priority.