European Commission issue Rapid Alert regarding West Nile Virus Cases in Italy

Notice type: Warning

Date: 28/10/2008


Product name or type:
Blood components intended for transfusion; Tissues & cells for human application

Target Audience:
Blood Establishments & Tissue Establishments including Procurement Organisations

Problem Or Issue:
The European Commission has notified all Competent Authorities for Blood and Tissues and Cells of the identification of two cases of West Nile Virus in patients in the Bologna and Ferrara Districts of Italy. The text of these notifications is available below

Background Information Or Related Documents:
Blood Alert – West Nile Virus – Italy 2008

Tissues and Cells Alert – West Nile Virus – Italy 2008

European Commission issue Rapid Alert regarding West Nile Virus Cases in Italy Document

Actions To Be Taken:
Appropriate donor screening measures and deferrals should be implemented for donors who have visited these areas so as to ensure the safety of blood and tissues and cells collected and procured in Ireland

Further Information:
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Irish Medicines Board.

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