HPRA Leadership Team

The Chief Executive is responsible for the day to day activities of the HPRA assisted by a Leadership Team comprising all HPRA directors.

HPRA Leadership Team Members

 L Nolan CEO image

Dr Lorraine Nolan, Chief Executive 

Lorraine Nolan is a chemist having completed her Ph.D. and post-doctoral research at Trinity College Dublin in transdermal drug delivery. She worked for a number of years in private industry in the area of enhancing and developing drug delivery systems, and also within the state forensic science services.

Ms Nolan joined the HPRA in 2001 and since that time has held a number of different roles at senior level within the organisation across a range of areas including inspection and authorisation of human medicines, medical devices, cosmetics and controlled substances. Prior to assuming the role of Chief Executive she was Director of Human Products Authorisation & Registration. Ms Nolan is a member of the Management Board of the European Medicines Agency. 

Image of Rita Purcell, Deputy Chief Executive of the HPRA


Rita Purcell, Deputy Chief Executive

Rita Purcell joined the Irish Medicines Board in 1996 heading up the Finance and Corporate Affairs Department. Her responsibilities include finance, legal, corporate policy, property, secretariat and international affairs. Ms Purcell also sits as an “alternative” member in the EMA management board and was a member of the council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland from 2008 to 2015. Ms Purcell read law at University College Dublin and qualified as a chartered accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers. She worked in a number of different industries before joining the Irish Medicines Board. 



Dr J.G. Beechinor, Director of Veterinary Sciences 

Gabriel Beechinor M.V.B., M.V.M, MSc., PhD., C.Dip.A.F., M.R.C.V.S qualified as a veterinary surgeon having attained both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Veterinary Medicine from University College, Dublin. Following several years in practice, he joined the regulatory authority and having served as a Veterinary Assessor for 12 years, was appointed head of department with responsibility for marketing authorisations of veterinary medicinal products in 1999. Dr Beechinor is a member of the Poisons Council and is alternate member of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP) of the European Medicines Agency having previously served as a CVMP member for 13 years. Dr Beechinor achieved a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Trinity College Dublin in 2001 as well as a distinction in his Master’s of Science degree in Executive Leadership from the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland in 2010.

 Ms Sinead Curran, Director of Human Products Monitoring

Ms Sinead Curran, Director of Human Products Monitoring

Sinead Curran holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree from the National University of Ireland Galway and a Master Science in Pharmaceutical Medicine from Trinity College Dublin. She has worked in medicines regulation for over 17 years, in the areas of clinical development and pharmacovigilance, and has held positions in academic research and pharmaceutical organisations. Ms Curran has worked with the HPRA for over 10 years, most recently in the post of GCP/pharmacovigilance inspection manager. She assumed the post of Director of HPM in January 2020, having held the post in an interim capacity from September 2019. Sinead has acted as the Irish delegate to the EMA’s GCP and PV inspectors working group, as well as its bioequivalence sub group, and has extensive experience in the areas of pharmacovigilance and safety monitoring operations.

 Photo of Sean d'Art, HPRA Director of ICTBS

Mr Sean d'Art, Director of ICT and Business Services

Sean d’Art joined the HPRA in 2021 to lead the ICT and Business Services Department. His responsibilities include the provision of best-in-class information technology capabilities to the organisation, and the management, operation and development of the HPRA’s information systems and technology assets. He has held a range of senior roles across a spectrum of industries and organisations in Ireland and abroad. Mr d’Art is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors (UK) and holds a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Engineering from Trinity College, Dublin, and a Masters of Business Administration from Cranfield University.


Dr Finnuala Lonsdale


Dr Finnuala Lonsdale, Director of Human Products Authorisation and Registration
Finnuala Lonsdale joined the HPRA in 2022 to lead the Human Products Authorisation and Registration Department. Finnuala qualified as a medical doctor in 1991 and holds medical specialisations in clinical pharmacology and pharmaceutical medicine. Finnuala has worked across three continents in clinical practice, healthcare administration, pharmaceutical medicine and regulation. She spent 15 years in the pharmaceutical industry with a primary focus on clinical pharmacology, early clinical development, strategic change and alliance management. Most recently she has been the Change Lead and Head of Policy, Strategy and Relationship Management for the Animals in Science Regulation Unit in the United Kingdom.  


Dr Niall MacAleenan, Director of Medical Devices

Niall MacAleenan qualified as a medical doctor at Trinity College Dublin. Niall worked in a variety of clinical and research roles across the Irish health care system. He also attained a business degree from University College Dublin.

Niall joined the HPRA in 2005 as a medical assessor for medical devices. Since that time he has held a variety of different roles at senior level within the organisation both in the area of medical devices and human medicines. In 2018, he was appointed as head of the newly established medical devices department that has responsibility for the HPRA’s market regulatory, surveillance and notified body oversight activities. Niall is a member of the EU’s Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) and the Executive Group of the Competent Authorities for Medical Devices (CAMD) network. At international level, Niall is a member of the Management Committee of the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF).


Grainne Power, Director of Compliance

Grainne Power joined the HPRA in 2018 to lead the Human Products Authorisation and Registration Department where her responsibilities included the authorisation or registration of human medicines, together with clinical trials authorisation for the Irish market.

In January 2022, Ms Power was appointed Director of the Compliance Department. Ms Power studied Biotechnology at Dublin City University and has worked in a number of Quality leadership roles within the Irish Pharma/Biopharma manufacturing sectors over a period of 25 years before joining the HPRA.

 Elizabeth Stuart - HR and Change Director

Elizabeth Stuart, Director of Human Resources and Change 

Elizabeth Stuart, B.A. (HR Management), PgDip (Project Management), M.B.S. (Strategic HR), joined the HPRA in 2008. With a background in the professional services industry, Elizabeth gained significant experience in employee relations, performance management, business partnering and HR best practice. Prior to her appointment as Director of Human Resources and Change, she held the role of HR Manager in the HPRA. Leading the HR team, areas of responsibility included; departmental and organisational strategic planning, workforce planning, resource management, performance management and the delivery of a range of learning, development and coaching initiatives. As Director of Human Resources and Change, Elizabeth is responsible for the development and delivery of Human Resources and Change strategy, the design and implementation of HR solutions and the effective management of change projects that provide for the availability, effective use and engagement of human resources within the HPRA. Elizabeth is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development and is a qualified and accredited Executive and Leadership coach.

Directors are in turn assisted by their management teams.